Showing 18 Result(s)

Identifying and Dealing With Your Toxic Traits

The conversation around toxic traits is often sidelined in a world bustling with self-improvement books, podcasts on becoming your best self, and social media posts about positivity and self-protection. However, acknowledging and addressing our own toxic characteristics is crucial to genuine self-improvement and building healthier relationships. This blog post explores how to identify your poisonous …

The Power of Contentment: Developing Skills for a Fulfilling Life

The Power of Contentment: Developing Skills for a Fulfilling Life In our fast-paced culture, pursuing happiness can sometimes become an elusive chase, leaving us anxious and unfulfilled. The Constance presence of social media and the constant need to compare ourselves to others on our looks, lifestyle, jobs, standards, and behaviour can make us feel like …

Understanding and Living by Your Values

Values are the guiding principles that define who we are and what we stand for. They shape and drive our decisions, actions, responses, and behaviours, ultimately determining our success and happiness. This blog aims to provide insight and guidance into the process for individuals or organisations who seek to understand their values, identify them, and …

Dealing with Family Members Who Have Racist or Bigoted Beliefs

Dealing with family members with racist, bigotry, or homophobic tendencies can be uncomfortable and challenging. No one should have to be exposed to these beliefs, and it can leave us feeling powerless in the face of an older relative or a person we feel closely connected to. To find a way out of this dilemma, …

What kind of impression do you want to make?

Are you looking to make a great impression in the professional world? It is important to remember that how you present yourself can significantly impact how people view your credential, abilities and your organisation. While having suitable qualifications and experience is essential for landing a job, displaying unprofessional behaviours can be a huge setback for …